To this day, I still hear his laughter every time I feel busy, crazed or super fun.
And as you know, my life is a little hmmm...busy? Crazed? Super fun?
Thankfully my inlaws decided we all needed a little vacation and they booked a week for us all at Tybee Island. Last year we went to Daytona. I have to say I think we traded up this year.
Tybee was beautiful and relaxing and all the things a vacation should be. We spent hours on the beach, ate much shrimp, visited Savannah, rode bikes and focused on doing nothing else. As usual for my girls, they kept Chad and I on our toes since Piper loved the sand and hated the waves and Linley loved the waves and hated spending time in the sand...basically he and I just played tag and traded girls off and on until a grandparent stepped in and saved us. Both my girls proved once again that they have their daddies great skin tone and not their mommies tendency to burn despite SPF Way Super High.
It was a wonderful time for this mommy to find her head once again...
How fun!! Love all the pictures!!