When Linley was born I quit my full time nanny job and chose to stay home with her. I never desired to have a career and I was fine with "just" being a stay at home mom. Since her birth I have held down a few part time jobs usually with her in tow. At times she would spend the day with her Nana, but I still held the title of stay at home mom in my eyes. And I liked it like that. I loved being with my Linley...she was then and is now, a joy to be around.
Maybe thats why sending her off to school each morning has been tricky for me at times. I miss her when she is gone. This year Linley is attending a Christian school and I have to say that knowing that her teachers are trusting God makes me trust them a little easier. We chose to change her schooling because I firmly believe that each child has specific needs. And what works for one child,one year may not work well for another child, another year. Linley always seemed like a fish out of water in the local public school. Here she is known by name, she has already been noticed as a strong reader and she is gaining confidence within her class and with her homework. While it is a financial commitment, knowing that they are supporting Linley as a unique, special and God given gift, is worth every penny. And as an added blessing, she has classmates whose mothers have been supporting our family through our mutual church and bible study as well as her teachers aid being the mother of a leukemia survivor.
Here she is in her sweet uniform. I know, uniforms...no more glittery high top sneakers and polka dots for her until after 3:00pm. But seriously, how can I mind when this is how she pulls a uniform off? Beautiful girl. May God bless you this year with friends, confidence and smarts, my sweet firstborn. I love you so.
Absolutely perfect, you are everything a wonderful mommy need be dear one! i AM SO PROUD OF YOU :)