Saturday, June 18, 2011

Dream Night at Zoo Atlanta 2011

About a month ago we (and by we, I mean Piper) recieved a postcard about a free evening at the Altanta Zoo for patients battling "life threatening" illnesses and their families.

Sign me up. First off, I was more than thrilled at their wording. And I know that "life threatening" illness may not sound so encouraging to you but to a mother who is not easily threatened, it placed cancer into a nice, neat and not so scary sounding box. The phrase "terminal illness", however, makes me want to run for the hills for the sheer finality it screams of.

So yesterday I grabbed up my daughters, my husband and my very pregnant sister and her husband and off we went.

I didnt blog about the Zoo visit in March during the great Poopalooza in which my 1 year old literally pooped through 6 diapers in the first thrirty minutes of being there. You can only imagine how fun that was for us all hauling around a fussy, weak, pantless, NG tube attired daughter...and trying desperately to make Fun! Exciting! Special! memories for the wonderful six year old sister and her cousin.

What a difference three months makes...


  1. i love u and cant wait to see u more...:) 7 days

  2. Oh now that looks much better than Poopapalooza. :) I see lots of smiles. <3 Looks like a very special zoo visit.
