Wednesday, June 1, 2011


My Linley wants to be "bathatized", that is.

We often talk about Jesus in this house, because well, He is the cornerstone of all we attempt to be. And we are honest with her about how He loves us all but many dont love Him back. And we have begun explaining to her in the last few months what must be done to take communion or get baptized or call herself a Christian.

Tonight she brought it up. Like most nights I chatted about it a little and prepared to leave the room with a kiss, never wanting to coerce her into such a decision. My sweet Linley had other plans. This is what she said...

"mommy, I want to be "bathatized". But not just because I want to drink the juice with you on Sunday but because I talk to Jesus alot at night and because I trust Him now and because I want a best friend for forever"

Ahhh. So we prayed together. And went to tell Daddy. And prayed some more. And in her childish little six year old voice she asked Jesus to come into her heart and be her best friend. I followed her beautiful plea with a more emotional one of my own and we held hands and she then teared up "because she was so proud of herself". Again, it was lovely.

So for you, my firstborn, my little me, my sweet and observant light of my eye, I pray that you never walk away from the decision you made tonight. I know you are simply six today but I also know just how easy the faith of a child can mature into a faith that stands the test of time. I pray that for you...and when you feel like God is so very far away or like the world is so very appealing then I will praise God for that amazing blanket of Grace that He lays at the feet of anyone who beleives in Him. I pray that you will cover yourself with it when, not if, you feel at odds with how things will sometimes be in your life.

God is so good to us, sweet Linley. He will never leave you or forsake you and He will always, always, always love you with an unending Love. Cling to Him.


  1. Amazing. Thank you for sharing such a precious, life changing moment!!

  2. She is one Very special girl! How beautiful it is to have little girls to constantly amaze us and open our eyes to more love than we could ever before imagine...

  3. This is the most amazing post of all. I love it and love the fact that Jesus is SOOOOOO real to her!!! Thank you for making Him that way in your home or she would never know!!! LOVE IT!!!
