Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Good, good, good news

Yesterday was Day 40 post Pipers bone narrow test. She had her morning clinic appointment and all of her labs look beautiful. She is still off the diflucan because her liver numbers were slightly elevated and she had her dose of cyclosporine upped a little. All normal things within the realm of destroying her own bodies bone marrow then injection her with someone else's...

And Praise God, the chimerism test came back as 100% donor cells! This means that when they looked at the DNA within her cells, they saw none of the DNA from pre transplant and only those of the donor. This is amazing.. And exactly where the doctors want her to be...

Dr. Haight stopped by to say hello (methinks she digs this little two year old of mine) and was impressed with how spunky and smily Piper was. She made mention of how they had expected more complications from Piper and were thrilled with how well she has come through. My Piper is incredibly tough and if Dr. Haight thinks that she is impressed...well, she should be, but Piper is not done impressing everyone.

When the nurse practitioner called me yesterday afternoon and told me the results of Pipers chimerism test, it was all I could do not to fall on the floor and weep. While Piper still has many days and visits and tests to be declared Cured, it is wonderful to hear that she is finally on top of things. I, after many long and heavy weeks, have begun to once again cater to the idea of raising Piper... It is a joyful thought and I ache to keep it close.

I may or may not have knocked on the door on a fellow leukemia survivor and enjoyed a cup of champagne in celebration with her mother.

And it was so good.

Please continue to pray that she drinks so she can come off of her nightly fluids. Also that her CMV levels continue to drop as they have been. And that she stays so very healthy... I look forward to rejoining the public but unfortunatly that is many days away. We also are having Serv-pro come out this week and checking out the apartment for mold, mildew and anything else that would be problematic for Pipers health and homecoming. Hopefully they won't find anything because I don't know that we Needhams have yet another move in us... I believe 3 in the two and a half years since Pipers diagnosis has been suffice.


  1. We join you in praising God for the results of the chimerism test!!!!! Piper is amazing! Thanks for keeping us updated. You know we love you all!
    Love, Heather (for all the Barr's)

  2. YES! YES! YES! And more Lord! WE love you guys, praying continually :)


  3. absolutely fantastic news we are so delighted for allthe family ! Brilliant !

  4. So very happy for you guys! God is so Good! Still praying and rejoicing in the incredible news!
