Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Linley Coe!

5 years ago on the 16th of February I was waiting patiently...and numbly, thanks to that lovely epidural, for my firstborn. She came into the world with her eyes wide open and still spends much of her time looking around and taking things in. She is perfect with a P and I am perfectly in love with her. I prayed when I was pregnant with her that she would be a self-thinker, independant and confidant. And she is. Much to our frusterations at times but I am very proud of her none the less. Linley is witty, smart and sweet. She is known to back talk and sweet talk all within 5 minutes. She rolls with the punches and rolls with change. She has been a wonderful light in the midst of Pipers diagnosis and I cannot imagine how I ever woke each morning feeling fulfilled before she filled my life. Thanks Miss Petunia are the best 5 year old in the world.

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