Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mother's Day Revisited

First off, yes I do know that the majority of my posts are done days, even weeks from when the picture or event happened. My bad. I have no excuse so I am going to pretend that I don't do that and quickly plow into my latest/newest post about Mothers Day 2010. And it was a good one. Simple and lovely day and I was given a simple and lovely gift as well...BUT...because we are the Needham family, nothing is simply simple. Oftentimes lovely but rarely simple.

When Chad went to order my gift I was in New Hampshire, He was mainly manning Piper, He was in the midst of finals and mainly, he was desperately missing his wife. (OK, I added that part but I am certain it was part of the equation) He was a little busy and forgot that Piper begins with a P and not a J so this beautiful necklace came to the house and was opened by an unsuspecting me. I thought it was beautiful (and it is!) but yes dear, I noticed the J. When I questioned Chad about the J, he actually said he was hoping I wouldn't notice at first. Really? C'mon now. You know I notice, you know, almost everything. (And if you cannot tell, it is a twig and each leaf has one of our initials on it.) After a good laugh, we re mailed it out and I finally received the perfected one after we returned from the beach. And it is simple and lovely and I am sure that you will agree. (Notice the C, S, L, and P...much better for this little crew)

In the works for the next few days: pictures of sweet Piper, who does not have all the attention for the first time in her life and is thriving supremely well. Also, pictures of our humble and happy shoebox/apartment. And maybe, just maybe I am going to share my latest obsession...yellow shoes. I have 5 pairs ( I believe) and that oddity in itself is due a picture or so. Agree?


  1. sus you are always on my u dearly...i have a family blog as well...keep in touch please!

  2. A for effort, Chad :) Beautiful necklace!
