Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Shockingly, after 36 months of chemotherapy, radiation, a transplant and all the jazz that goes with a leukemia diagnosis, my Piper has never needed an ICU visit.

But today she did. Her oxygen, while it had been holding its own with the assistance of the nasal cannula and some good old oxygen air flow, today began to peter out. She stated pretty quickly and turned purple as Chad called for the nurse. I was home with Linley doing schoolwork when Chad texted me to come over. By the time Linley and I had made it across the parking lot and towards Pipers room she had already been moved to the ICU.

Since she's been here shes been moved to pressurized oxygen, which forces air into her fluidy lungs and keeps her from having to work so hard to breathe. This is working and her blood pressure and heart rate have begun to be a little closer to normal. They are giving her lots of lasix to help her to urinate and keep the fluid off of her...she has perked up a bit and did some movie watching and coloring with Linley which helped Chad and I's tears a little bit.

At this point they feel like she is stable and if she continues to improve they will be able to send her back to the regular Bmt unit for normal monitoring. The cultures from the last few days continue to be positive for this bacteria but once they had a name for it, they were able to change her to the antibiotic most beneficial to fight it off. We shall see. Our biggest prayers are that she can kick the infection, that she can rid her body and lungs of the fluids and the need to be here and that this problem will not keep her from receiving the IL2 shot tomorrow...unfortunately the line is thin as they decide how much her body can handle and how they can continue to fight the angry beast that is leukemia.

So now wait. You'd think I'd be good at this by now, but I am not. What I really am is at peace...scared to pieces but confident that God is handling it. He's surrounded us with amazing doctors and nurses and family that come running at a moments notice as well as an old childhood friend who doesn't mind visiting and supporting us.

We are in capable and loving hands.


  1. Sending your Piper girl healing prayers tonight. And to you all, her beautiful family, prayers of peace and strength for the journey.

    All our best, from another warrior girl her crew,'the other' Needham family from California.

  2. Hey guys, just wanted to know that we are thinking and praying for you and Piper. I know many people are praying for you. Our 2 year old is going through similar sturggles with at/rt cancer. Reading your post and seeing pictures, I really feel a deep sense of compassion and understaning for you and Piper. May HE bring you peace and grace when you need it most.

  3. Prayers and love from Athens, prayers sent up on Sunday at Redeemer. Praying now-...

  4. Thinking and praying for Piper and all of you right now. Praying for Piper to beat this infection quickly and for her to be back on track with beating every cancer cell in her little body. And praying for peace for all of you. With tears and love for your family, please know that we are covering you all in prayer today and every day.

  5. I can't stop praying for y'all...I think of you all the time!

  6. Piper is sitting so candidly with all those wires and gauzes taped around her. She is really something. She will fight this Sus. Thinking of all of you all the time.
    Love, Mu and family.

  7. You are all in my prayers, I am a complete stranger, but a prayer warrior for you and your precious family and Piper. I pray every morning for her and will continue to do so. Sending big hugs to you and your hubby, prayers for strength and rest.

  8. We are praying. We played at the apartment today, and every time I looked up and saw your porch I asked again that God would heal Piper and give you strength for this day's battle. His mercies are new every morning...
