Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 33

And we are out of here (almost). Tomorrow will mark 44 days of Piper being impatient here at Egleston...this is not her longest hospitalization to date but it was by far the most mentally taxing one. So many unknowns and so many fears from the first day we walked thought those doors that said Bone Marrow Transplant Unit and tomorrow we will walk right back out of them...a little more hopeful but still very much in the midst of fighting for our girl and her beautiful life.

Chad is currently wiped out with either the Flu or a doozy of a sinus infection so it's up to me and my mom to get this little room unloaded and all of Pipers treasures moved to our apartment around the corner. Then I am off to Walmart to set us up with hand soap, toilet paper and Lysol wipes as well as outfitting the kitchen with enough food for us...remember Piper is still not allowed to go anywhere except the clinic and the apartment. She will be receiving overnight fluids because she is still not wanting to drink much and we have the supplies ready for NG feeds should she change her mind about eating. Piper is on 7 different medications to be given around the clock to ward off infections, virus, graft vs host and a rejection of the new much is going on in her little body and she still looks amazing.
Please pray for us as we transition. This will be wonderful to sleep without the hourly presence of nurses and doctors and therapist and yet, it will be lonely as Piper and I will have only each other to keep company on a daily basis...I fear my play- doh making skills are waning and I no longer am as much fun as I was when more rested.

As we begin the transition from hospital to Ronald McDonald apartment we begin to anticipate the move home. This is going to require our rental home to be inspected for anything that would be a contaminate for Piper. Hopefully, there will be nothing of concern but if there is we will need to make some decisions that are better planned out than made on a whim. And always we desire Pipers body to produce mass amounts of donor cells of which are strong and will demolish any leukemia cells that have dared to survive chemo, radiation and transplant. Little to no side effects would be lovely to add to the miracle that I am feverntly praying God to do.

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